Even though we have completed our formal educational cycle, we all are on a journey of lifelong learning. In fact, there is nothing more harmful than the impression that we no longer need to learn anything.
As our capabilities grow, we have to find a way to formalize them and ensure that they match the expectations and standards needed in the job market.
Whether you attend school, university, go to work, or build your own business, remember that there is always room for new goals, new skills, and new perspectives. And, let’s face it, if we are not moving forward, we go back. Gradually, there is a need for us to recognize that lifelong learning is crucial.

Andragogy or, informally, adult learning is a great way to move forward, adapt and learn in the rapid-changing world. Access to information, training and other forms of education are even more available every day. If you think that it will be difficult for you to learn something new, here are 4 reasons why it might even be a piece of cake for you as an adult:
1. We learn better when we need it
We are most interested in learning when there is immediate relevance to our jobs or personal life. This means that we come to training with intentions, and are focused during the process.
2. We have our own patterns of learning
When we know what works for us, we are faster at learning new information. Maybe it’s about when we revise and learn about what was said at the lecture, maybe it’s about the notes we make or the highlighter we use. All that makes it easier for us to reflect and pick it up faster.
3. We build on our experience
As adults, we come to training much wiser than we were 10, 15 years ago. Maybe we have some knowledge of a similar topic and that will help us a great deal. Maybe we have been learning about the topic as a self-learner, but now it’s time to go deeper and have it all organized with the help and guidance of a trainer.
4. We are responsible for our learning
Only we are responsible for our learning and no one else. The times when a strict teacher or a parent was pushing us to learn something are gone. Now we choose what we want to learn and how to use it.
Lifelong learning is the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. It is important for an individual’s competitiveness and employability, but also to enhance social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development. If you keep in mind why it is easier for you because you are an adult, you can adopt a lifelong learning mindset immediately.
Always on the lookout for a new project
At We Are Entrepreneurs, we come up with initiatives and become part of projects that support job market integration through entrepreneurship. We focus on helping disadvantaged segments of society to have a better future through self-employment and skill-building.
Our founder Diana Medrea-Mogensen has been an EU project manager since 2020, and an advocate for lifelong learning. Being an experienced project manager, coach, and member of the Professional Women’s Network called PWN Copenhagen, Diana makes sure she stays on top of things and educates herself along the way. Practice what you preach, right? 🙂

Training platform for trainers
As Diana said in the article for a learning platform EPALE, she aspires to be part of a change where upskilling adults is considered not only normal but inevitable. As part of We Are Entrepreneurs, she aspires to help the ones that need it most.
Diana takes inspiration from EPALE, the European Union’s electronic platform for adult learning professionals, trainers, educators, policymakers, and researchers in Europe. It is the first push for new ideas and an essential tool for staying up to date as an adult learning professional, and an ultimate source for our activities in adult learning.
“I find EPALE a great resource for research and I use it to check out other projects that can help the groups we work with at We Are Entrepreneurs. I have found wonderful initiatives for women through this platform. Even though I did not have the chance to use it for dissemination purposes yet, I can see how it will help us share our findings, get advice, and learn from other organizations.” she says.

What do we work on now?
Besides the continuing preparation of other projects, We Are Entrepreneurs in Denmark is a partner in two projects that focus specifically on helping ex-pat women in Denmark gain new skills and advance further on. Thanks to the Erasmus+ grant, these projects are free of charge for participants.
WISE: Women: Innovative, Successful, Empowered (KA227-ADU-094820) supports women in arts and crafts in acquiring and developing skills in digital literacy, innovation, manufacturing solution, and collaborative practices. It’s our goal to see our groups be successful in their endeavors. The partnership includes the Lithuanian NGO VERSLI MAMA, Dailininkų Sąjungos Galerija (Lithuania), We Are Entrepreneurs (Denmark), ETN school s. r. l. (Italy), ANKA (Greece), and Skref fyrir Skref efh (Iceland). Read more about the project here.
FLIGHT: Financial Literacy for Investment, Growth, Help, and Teamwork (KA220-ADU-6A589661) teaches expatriate women in partners countries basics of financial literacy (budgeting, accountancy, etc.) and investment practices, all while creating a supportive community for sharing best practices. The partnership includes Versli mama (Lithuania), Prios Kompetanse (Norway), WSEI (Poland), Weltgewandt.de (Germany), We Are Entrepreneurs (Denmark). Read more about the project here.
There is more being cooked right now and new opportunities will come along the way. We bring these projects to Denmark in order to improve your skills and help you land a new job, shift your career, or grow a business.
Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, and apply for an upcoming project if it catches your interest. Let’s create a world of equal opportunities for education, but also for employment.