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Newsletter April 2021

Today We Are Entrepreneurs sent the first newsletter to all those who signed up for the newsletter, used the Clarity Booster, or shared their email when joining the We Are Entrepreneurs Society on Facebook. This is a very exciting beginning.

What to expect from future issues

📅 You will receive it once a month.
🗞 You can read the news about We Are Entrepreneurs’ projects and activities.
🎫 You will learn about events that are interesting for you.
👥 It is for those interested in personal and entrepreneurial development.
🧰 You will get access to tools from the Move-Forward coaching program.
⚡️⚡️⚡️ To mark the beginning of the newsletter and our beginning as a community, you will receive the CEO self-assessment test to get your CEO score.
“Your CEO score gives you a peek in the mirror and exposes the areas that need the most focus for growth.”

Make it happen, become CEO of your life by using the self-coaching tool. Get access now.